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Foster Care

Every child deserves to be loved and protected. 

Do you have a patient and nurturing personality? Would giving children an opportunity to grow into their best selves make you happy? Are you willing to open your heart and home to a child in need, even if it's just temporary?

Whether you're seeking more information, looking to understand the requirements, or ready to start the licensing process, we would greatly appreciate the opportunity to connect with you and discuss how you can become an esteemed member of our foster care team.

Fill out the form by clicking the button below or contact The Baby Fold staff at (309) 557-1121 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to learn more about becoming a foster parent today.




What is the goal of foster care?
Provide a temporary, safe, and loving home for children until they are reunited with their biological parents.

Who can be a foster parent?
Those who are at least 21 years old, regardless of marital status, gender, sexual orientation, race, whether homeowner or renter, and willing to provide safe, temporary care.

How long does it take to become a licensed foster parent?
Licensing generally takes between a few months to a year.

How do I become a licensed foster parent?
Pass a background check, home inspection, and complete the training curriculum.

How will a child be matched with my family?
When a child needs placement we will contact you and provide information, allowing you to decide to accept the placement or not. You can specify preference on age, race, gender, and medical/behavioral needs.


Foster Care

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(309) 557-1121
Fill Out A Form to Learn More

Current Needs

There are ongoing needs to help support the programs and services of The Baby Fold. The document below contains specific needs for Foster Care.

Foster Care Needs


The Baby Fold’s Special Needs Adoption program is accredited by the Council on Accreditation.




"We have been a foster family for 12+ years and it has truly touched our lives in more ways than we imagined!  Each child who has lived with us has given us memories and an impact that we would have missed out on if we had not said yes.  Our eyes have been opened to the hurts and needs in our community and we have seen how things we can sometimes take for granted do not come as easy to others.  Something we didn't think too much about before starting this foster care journey is the relationships we would have with biological parents and children even after they leave our home.  We are grateful to God for the experiences we have had, the good and the hard, that comes with this journey."


"Teens are sometimes misunderstood in today's society.  It is important that we not judge them but give them the love, support and direction necessary for them to be successful at the level they are comfortable at. We chose to take on teens that others would not accept, and in doing so, we found that they are in need of consistency, compassion and direction.  As we get to know our teens, we learn so much about ourselves and tap into skills that we didn't know we had.  It has been a long road and knowing that no one is perfect, we all work perfectly together when it comes to the welfare of our youth.  With the support of a solid team, our teens can be unstoppable and motivated.  We would not be good foster parents without being part of a great team and agency that directs us to the services that will meet the needs of our youth. There is definitely a greater need for foster parents for this group of youth (teens).  For over 18 years and still counting, we welcome the challenge but most importantly, we look forward to meeting more foster parents that will open their hearts, minds and home to a teen in need."

-Steve and LaTasha


“I would be lying if I said foster care is easy. No matter what part of foster care a person finds themselves in, foster care is hard. When I was 15, my parents got licensed to be foster parents. As a girl who grew up with a passion for loving children and families from hard places, I was thrilled to be able to care for children in our home, even if it was temporary. Our first placement included a sibling group of one baby, one toddler, and another baby soon after. The unknown of how long these kids would be in our home and the difficulty that comes with loving kids from trauma was a challenge. Yet, being a part of a foster family will always be one of the most beautiful things I have gotten to be a part of. The passion I had for foster care and loving children and families from hard places led me to pursue a degree in social work and eventually a job as a caseworker in foster care at The Baby Fold. I would love to become a foster parent myself someday as well. Through my experience and interaction with the foster care system, I have been reminded of the fact that sometimes the hardest experiences can become the most rewarding and beautiful experiences.”

“I am a young adult living in the foster care system, I would like to share a little bit of what my experience has been. First, I would like to say that it was not easy entering the system, especially as a pre-teen with a rough past. I’ve had about one foster parent that I can say has given me the mother figure I needed in my life. She accepted me for me and genuinely loved me throughout. She guided me in so many right directions, and has just been there for me through everything. She’s gone above and beyond for me, taking in my siblings in when she didn’t have to. She loved me unconditionally when she didn’t have to. Most importantly she understood me. Because of her, I believe there is hope. We need more foster parents like this in this foster care system. I would like to say that I’m thankful for coming across good caseworkers, because they make me believe that the system can be successful, having genuine people who are striving to see the next generation be better."

-Young adult in foster care system

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